Welcome to the It's The Bible website.
ITB began in 1995 as a internet mission of New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church (a member of the Baptist Missionary Association of America) with the purpose of sharing gospel sermons and Bibles through out the world as commanded in Matthew 28:18-20. To do the work of an evangelist and missionary ITB first developed a plan of providing audio sermons and links to freeware PC Bibles for people to study from. We then added to the plan a family friendly Bible based message board (provided by Runboard.com) for those wishing to discuss the Bible, sermons they have heard, their Christian faith, Bible doctrines, and the struggles of life a place to assemble together. In 2004 It's The Bible became a independent ministry of Pastor Rick Gordon. The Bible related freeware links, sermon audio files, and Bible reviews provided here are in obedience to the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus in Matthew 10:8b "freely ye have received, freely give."
Our current Bible discussion topic is: Reasons to believe please feel free to click the link, join in, and explore this topic with others from all over the world. As with everything else in this outreach there is never a charge required to join or participate though donations to help support the costs are both appreciated and accepted. We do hope and pray that you will enjoy your stay with us and that you will share this Christian website with your family and friends. Together, we can make a difference.